How do I love my iPhone? Let me count the ways--okay, maybe just one way for this post.
I've done a lot of remote server work, and I've found that RDP is my best friend. Recently, we were working on a particularly grueling upgrade that required a few minutes of typing followed by long stretches of processing interspersed with quick messages that required user acknowledgment. It was those intermittent messages that kept us stuck at the server keyboard.
Then, hunger hit. My work partner and I decided that we needed food pronto; neither of us wanted fast food, and we also didn't want to leave the keyboard for fear that we'd waste a bunch of time eating when we could have been acknowledging inane messages on the server console.
There's an app for that.
I downloaded the WinAdmin app from the iTunes App Store, and we were suddenly decoupled from the keyboard. We had freedom of movement and everything! There are other RDP client applications available for the iPhone, including the iTap RDP Client, but I like WinAdmin.
When WinAdmin is started up, the Favorite Servers list pops up and provides the user with a way to either select a previously added server or add a new one. In the screen below, you can see that there is a server named Ts eagerly awaiting a connection.